Monday, December 7, 2009

Mr.Strong Arms pt.1

He was there. Standing outside working in the hot 85 degree weather. There was a slight breeze in the air that I could tell from his hair blowing in the wind. It didn't seem like it did much to cool him off because his shirt was off and tucked in the back of his Levis. Sweat beading on his forehead and dripping down his arms and stomach. His body, well it was the work of the Gods. He could very well be called the next Adonis. His looks possibly giving a younger Brad Pitt a run for his money though instead of blonde hair and blue eyes, he was all tan skin with both dark brown hair and eyes, almost black.

I wasn't quite sure what he was working on outside. All I knew was that it was a favor for the grandfather of the child I was babysitting. When his truck first arrived, I couldn't help but just stare. It was one of those trucks you would see on a farm or ranch or perhaps it was one of those trucks they used to pull heavy equipment and held a lot of power. Whatever the fact, one thing was for sure, his truck was pure power and it was indeed a man's truck.

I sat on the sofa that looked out of the window, staring. I couldn't help but watch the muscles in his arms and back bunch up. The sweat that ran down his body, well that was just the icing on the cake. From what I could see he was working on the pavement near the road probably leveling the entire thing or so I thought. It's not like I knew anything about cement and road work.

As he wiped the sweat of his brown I pulled my hair into a tight pony. God, it felt like a hundred degrees in the house. The three fans were on full blast and I couldn't help but feel the heat ride up my neck. Unconsciously I began fanning my face and that's when he looked up. Our eyes locked for a brief second, amusement shining in his while mine probably held the deer in the headlights look. Quickly I looked away and then walked to the other couch knowing he saw me looking and there was nothing I could do about it.

In order to take my mind off of him, I took the baby into the room. She looked a little tired and so I figured a bit of Kai-Lan and it would be lights out for her. Then I could go back to staring at Mr. Strong Arms as I began thinking of him since I didn't know his name. Yet.

Finally, she was asleep. I shut of the DVD and quickly checked myself in the mirror. It was horrible. No makeup, my hair looked as if I stuck a knife in a socket, and my clothes, well they were a candidate for Goodwill. Great, I thought as I tied to make do with what I had. A few minutes later I realized it was hopeless.

A knock at the door startled me and I hopelessly prayed that it wasn't him. Sure enough as I walked through the hallway I caught a glimpse of tan skin. Oh God it was him! A million thoughts ran through my head as I thought of what he could possibly want. Everything from a glass of cold water to wanting to take me on a date. I was nervous I realized as I opened the screen door and he was smiling. What the heck am I doing, I thought as I returned his extremely seductive smile with one of my own.

"Hey", he said as he leaned on the wall with his shoulder. Didn't he know he could give a woman a hard attack with that stance? The fact he was shirtless, a little sweaty, and a lot of sexy didn't bother him in the least. I was in trouble. My "Hi, back at ya" was squeaky and I knew, that he knew the effect his half naked body had on me. Trouble was the least of my worries at the moment.

"I don't mean to bother..."

Right. My inner monologue sarcastically stated while my heart beat a mile a minute. Do you mean to tell me you took off your shirt and walked up the porch half naked and sweaty NOT to bother me? Well, I'm really, really bothered. And Hot not to mention thank you very much.

"I'm sorry, what did you say again?" I realized I had no idea what he was asking. Pay attention, dammit!

"I was saying" his smile widening a bit as if he knew the effect he had on me, "if I could ask you for a glass of water." Water. Oh that's right. Didn't I come up with that scenario? Him asking me for a glass of water and me with my manners saying of course.

"Yeah of course, let me get that for you. Why don't you come in for a few to relax." So it was a little more than just of course. I realized I just put the ball back in his court. He could read into that any way he wanted.

As I held the door open waiting for him to make up his mind, I couldn't help but smile. He was indeed gorgeous. That tan skin looked as if he spent many hours outside working. His muscles said he did a lot of heavy lifting whether it was from working out or simply working, it sure was a sight. As he returned my smile and began taking of his boots a thrill of excitement shot up my spine. The future, or in this case the next few minutes were unclear. And for the first time in my life, I couldn't wait.