Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Breaking Point (Snippet)

Dear Readers,
The inspiration and reason behind this story can be found here on my Liberating Chasidy blog.

It was never my intention to lead anyone on nor did I think by being nice to someone, it would mean I was interested in him, any man for that matter as more than friends. I never once thought after I told a guy "things weren't working out" or "I only want to be friends" he was going throw such a hissy fit over the fact I "broke" his heart. But as I stood here listening to my brother go on and on about how this man thinks I'm "good for nothing" or that I "don't do shit", I feel my blood slowly heating up. So slow I can feel it working its way inch by inch through my body.

I rarely lose my anger let alone let these sort of issues bother me. I've always been the type of woman who tries to take the high road with most things in life but for some reason with this, I just can't seem to do it.

I hear my brother talking. I feel my blood rushing through me. I feel... my body heating up and know soon I will either have to walk away or I will definately explode. The thing is, I don't think I can even move. There's a part of me which thinks I'm too far gone. There is no way I can let my anger subside because it's too much for me handle.

"Enough", I whisper.

My brother doesn't hear me. I repeat myself louder this time and he starts to notice I am not a happy camper. I try to walk away from where we're standing in the mall but my brother grabs my arm before I can get away. I pull and tug trying to get his grip to loosen but he doesn't budge and before I know it, tears start to fall from my eyes.

For a while I am embarrased that anyone, let alone my brother, sees my weekness. As time trickles by like sand in a hourglass, I snap. My anger building so quickly, so fast, I have no idea what's going to happen or what's going on for that matter. I give one last hard tug from my brother's grip and I finally manage to get loose. I run as fast as I can to the nearest exit pulling my cellphone out of my pocket while trying to get my legs to move faster.

I need to make a call. That's the only thing I can think of. Call Him.

It had been several months since he and I last spoke. He who must remain nameless.

I never thought I would be counting on him to do a favor for me. I knew the price he would be asking for would be steep. But at that moment, when my anger was more important to me than life itself, I didn't care. What I wanted, I would get. Whatever I needed to do, whatever He needed me to do, I would. Because this, this was it. The last straw. That last stitch holding in all my emotions had finally broken.... And I was free. I was sick of this man who thought to throw all his low confidence bullshit crap on me. Sick of men in general. Sick of all men but one.

Beware all! For I have finally broken the seal and I will get my revenge.

As that thought slowly circled my brain,  I continued to run for the nearest exit, I heard the other end of the line pick up.  My heart racing, anticipating his voice.

"Mi Amor. It has been a while." His voice rushing over me like soft velvet. My heart clenching, Memories of the past rushing back to me as if it were yesterday. Yes, oh yes. He was the right person to call. For him, I would do anything. For him, I would give my life.

As I saw the exit sign a few yards ahead, I told him what I promised myself I would never do. Not ever again. I spoke to him the four words that would change everything...

"I need your help."


  1. whoa. this is just. whoa. wait a sec till i read it again.

    *time passes*

    okay, i reread it and- you're seriously good. now thanks to you (thanks a lot, by the way) i want to know more and thats, well, thats good to show the writer's ability to write but also its very bad for the reader who wants to know more but cannot. Thats right, Chasidy, I absolutely love you C= keep writing

  2. Thanks so much! When I wrote this I was extremely upset. I mean, literally fuming with hatred. Glad to know you enjoyed it!

  3. i really did! i mean, you can feel the hatred soetimes

  4. Trust me, there's a while load of hatred going on. LOL.

  5. Very nicely done! You have a great selection of short stories here and this is a great idea for a blog too. I look forward to reading more.

  6. Thanks for stopping by Julie! I'm so glad you were able to read the few snippets I've selected. Hope to see you back again.
